An eco-conscious marketplace
Without a doubt, global warming, carbon footprint, eco-consciousness, greenwashing and circular economy are all at the forefront of the media nowadays, across all sectors of industry.
When it comes to environmental awareness, we’ve taken the time to assess the ins and outs of our own industrial space, namely Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC), and have come up with remarkable discoveries. The TIC market is somewhat fragmented, but for the most part it is controlled by the top tier of established companies, which have become household names for some. No name bashing here, just a simple bird’s eye view of how the market currently operates.
Advantages of our service
Professionals only
Only professional outfits are registered on our platform. Vetted and screened, so you don’t get any nasty surprises when selecting your quality control provider!
Lightning quick
Save days and hundreds of e-mails! All you need to do is to post ONE request for inspection, and you’ll get lightning quick multiple offers, most often within minutes!
Best value for money
Get the best value for money with every offer! Pick the closest and most competent quality control company to your inspection site; why pay for someone else’s travel time?

As the world’s premier inspection marketplace OutSpection.com , we’re not claiming to instantaneously reduce the TIC’s industry’s carbon footprint, but simply that we’re trying to put a dent in the system.
When we know that
- the multiple requests for quotes (by a user) from multiple inspection companies by e-mail represent 4g of CO2 each
- the average distance travelled (this is a weighed average across thousands of jobs, where the “traditional” inspectors have travelled by car or even plane) is of 100km round trip, and
- 30 to 80MB inspection reports are also e-mailed…then we can easily work out that the average “traditional” inspection process represents 800g of CO2 emission, whereas -everything else remaining equal – getting an inspection done via our platform would bring it down to 80g.
In other, and more simple words, the closer an inspector is to the actual inspection location, the less he’s going to travel to get there.